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"As a former longshoreman and a lifelong member of the ILWU family, I've lived the realities of our hard work and the complexities of managing the wealth it brings."


National Consulting, LLC

Why Your Financial Future Can't Wait

In our community, the value of a day's work is well known, but the strategies to protect and grow the rewards of that work are less understood. High taxes, legal complications, and missed opportunities for estate planning can erode what we've worked so hard to build. Inspired by my uncles, cousins, and grandfathers—all proud ILWU members—I embarked on this path to ensure our financial efforts today become enduring legacies for tomorrow.

Service Packages

Financial Strategies Tailored for YOU!

Strategic Financial Services Strategic Financial Services: Start With Credit

At the heart of financial freedom and opportunity lies a solid foundation: your credit. My services begin with a comprehensive approach to cleaning and enhancing your credit score. This critical first step opens doors to investment opportunities and strategies for generating additional, tax-efficient cash flow. Here’s how we can navigate your financial journey together:

Credit Restoration: The First Step Towards Financial Empowerment

Improving your credit score is about more than just access to loans; it's about creating opportunities for wealth generation that were previously out of reach. My credit restoration services focus on disputing inaccuracies, negotiating with creditors, and providing strategies to rebuild and maintain your credit health. With a stronger credit profile, we can leverage better investment opportunities to enhance your financial growth.

Investment Strategies: Creating Tax-Efficient Cash Flow

With your credit in good standing, we’ll explore investment strategies that not only grow your wealth but also provide additional cash flow with tax efficiency in mind. From real estate to dividend-yielding stocks, I’ll guide you through options that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance, maximizing your income potential while minimizing your tax liability.

Trusts and Estate Planning: Securing Your Legacy

A well-structured trust is a powerful tool for estate planning, offering tax advantages and protecting your assets from the complexities of divorce settlements. I specialize in creating trusts that preserve your wealth, ensuring your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes. This strategic planning minimizes taxes and shields your legacy from potential claims, providing peace of mind for you and security for your loved ones.

Asset Protection: Shielding Your Wealth from Life’s Uncertainties

Beyond trusts, my asset protection strategies are designed to safeguard your hard-earned wealth from unforeseen challenges. By utilizing legal structures and planning techniques, we can protect your assets from creditors, litigation, and other threats, ensuring your financial foundation remains secure.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Future?

Embarking on this journey requires a partner who not only understands the unique challenges faced by ILWU longshoremen but also shares your vision for a secure and prosperous future. From cleaning your credit to leveraging tax-efficient investments, and securing your legacy through strategic estate planning, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

At National Consulting, our mission is to empower the hardworking longshoremen of ILWU with the financial tools and knowledge needed to thrive. We believe in strength, solidarity, and securing a prosperous future for you and your families